Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Some Confessions

Although not very juicy.

1. I went to the doctor yesterday. This is a confession because I never go to the doctor for being sick with a cold, or maybe even the flu. I think it's pointless because you'll get over it eventually. But I just haven't been able to kick this one, and had severe symptoms over the weekend. Of course, by the time I went yesterday I was "getting better" and he sent me on my way. Oh well.

2. While at the doctor they weighed me and I'm back to what I weighed in high school. I'm actually not sure how I feel about this. I'm happy to be back to pre-pregnancy weight, but I really never longed to lose more than that. I think it means I need to get back to the gym and do some strength training. Here soon I'm just going to end up with one bulky arm -- the one that carries Addie around all day!

3. I think it's time to start looking at my diet. I am a huge sweets fan. Yesterday, while I was home with Addie, I found myself hiding a candy bar behind my back so I could eat small pieces without her seeing -- I'm trying not to get her sweet tooth too out of control yet. When you start hiding candy, I think it's time to check your diet. It's not that I gorge myself on sweets, but I definitely like them. I think I just need to find some healthier alternatives -- if I don't want Addie to eat it then I probably shouldn't either.

4. I feel like my home crumbles without me. Since I've been sick, I've been neglecting most everything. The house is a disaster -- Loren has kept up a bit, but not quite enough. We've eaten out almost every meal for the last week -- that or have eaten cereal or Cup o' Noodle. The dogs haven't had a walk in a week. Loren tries, but I just feel like everything's crumbled in the last week . . .

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