Monday, August 16, 2010


I know, I tend to use my blog to vent (or bitch and moan, however you'd phrase it). :) You may wonder why I bother with everything. I'm actually totally loving life, I just try to be funny. Here is what I get to wake up to every morning:

Love when he sleeps like this.
Crazy kids.
I'm trying to be better about taking pics. And sharing them. I always upload everything to Facebook, but believe it or not, not everyone is on there. So I think I'm going to focus on my blog instead. Get ready for pic overload.

Addie with her new dollhouse she got from Becky. Yes, she's standing on it. First thing she tried to do was climb it.
Me and my cheesy monkey.
Well now isn't that a handsome boy!
This was just today, chillin' outside. You can see a bit of my new (this summer) patio cover. Thank you Ryan and Loren.
This cracks me up. Looks like some poor homeless children trying to get someone to take them home.
Oh yea, there's the cheeseballs.
My handsome guy in his scrappy pants.
He looks so scared here.
It just hit me on Saturday that I really do have to go back to work this week. I've worked a little all summer, but completely on my schedule. Now I HAVE to be there. I had a bit of a breakdown. :(

Can you see why I've enjoyed my summer home?
Doesn't he look so sad and deep in thought?
Addie was playing peek-a-boo behind her kitchen.
Ah, I love my babies. Just had to share their cuteness. They crack me up and melt my heart constantly. love

1 comment:

Becky Brown said...

Glad to see the dollhouse being put to use and I don't have to bend over my fat belly to pick up the 100+ pieces off the floor when she's finished! Enjoy!