Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Getting Sidetracked...

By hilarious old pics! And reminiscing a bit. I'm working on a calendar that lets you put pictures on dates for special occasions (like birthdays), so I was "digging" (on the computer) through old pics because some people I just don't have recent pics of. Well I got sidetracked looking at my crazy pics from the late nights -- not my current crying baby late nights, but those pre-baby nights...

(These are in chronological order -- by no means covering all occasions, but just some faves)

Kadie and I dressed up for Halloween. But we went out the night before (I believe Halloween was on a Sunday, so we went out Saturday) -- and were about the only ones dressed up. :)
Bachelorette party! This was just the beginning of the evening...
Okay, no one will get this but Leisa. But it's too funny not to include. We were attempting to take one of our usual self-portraits and when we turned the camera around we saw this. And died laughing. Kept saying "dog butt!" all night. Maybe you had to be there... :)
Trying out a wig...
One of a few 80s parties...
We always took pics before we actually left the house. I remember this night and it did not end very well... Note: I still have these jeans and they are my goal -- I want to be in them by summer!
This cracked me up. What, are we at the prom?
Oh, and check out the crimped hair + the Vote for Pedro sticker.
At a party at Kadie's that was followed by some Kuna clubbin'.
I've always loved this picture of Leisa. I'm right behind her.
Yea, we got our groove on. And I'm a total loon when it comes to dancing. This was actually about the most decent pic I could find...
Our nightly (well, on weekends that is) ritual: Usually shopping, coming home and spending way too long getting ready (below -- here shown with yes, glittering the hair) and deciding where we were going and with who(m?), and finally heading out. Note: not only am I glittering the 'do, but what's with the outfit? I must admit, I wouldn't mind fitting into that skirt again... (long gone, btw -- but I have those leggings around here somewhere).
Yep, loon.

Yea, and we tried to be gangsta with our stunnas.
I never realized how often we took pics in the bathroom, until I started looking at these...
Bathroom Pic #1 (Balcony)
I've always loved this pic. Wish I could get that tan going again. This was a crazy fun night, but also one that didn't end so well. ;)
Chillin' with the bartender. Still Balcony.
Bathroom Pic #2 (Portland)
We even managed to drag Loren out on very rare occasions.

Showin' off our bling (given to us for free by some promoter -- they blinked!).
I can't believe I'm actually posting this pic. I originally vowed no one could see it. But it is rather hilarious. I had worn leggings with a skirt and when we got back to the hotel, I took the skirt off. Leisa and Loren were cracking up because they said I looked like Catwoman. Rawr!
Another of our pre-leaving pics. Holy blush!
And this totally cracked me up! Check out the dogs getting in the way.
My last pre-baby New Year's. I wore the wig just for fun -- they were on sale that week. :) Maybe one of these years I'll actually stay up until midnight again...
Bathroom Pic #3 (Neurolux) -- in the mirror, no less
Found our wonderful Schmem there.
You've probably noticed we had some pretty standard poses. Kissy face was definitely one.
Groovin' at the Balcony again. It was a fave because they usually had good music and we had less of a chance of creepy guys bugging us. Oh, and there were always good dancers there to watch. What (or who) is Leisa pointing at?
Notice that no one is near us. That's how every dance pic I have is. Either we were frightening, smelly, or got our groove on so good, people were afraid to get hit with a flailing limb (or didn't want to compete -ha!).
Bathroom Pic #4 (?) -- this bathroom cracked me up because they had a stool right in front of the toilet
China Blue was another regular spot. And yes, we're total dorks -- that's why I love us. :)
Check out the phone! Sa-weet!
Do you see that sweat? I tell you, we got our g.r.o.o.v.e o.n! :)
We hit up the hookah bar a few times and were always trying to get a "sexy" shot with the smoke. Yea, this is my sexiest -- where you can't see my face!
We often had to take a pic in the car before we left too. Particularly if we forgot to take one inside. Are we conceited? I think we just like pics...
Tried out the faux hawk in San Fran. It didn't stay up very well...
Bathroom Pic #5 (San Fran) -- this was the only bathroom at this dumpy club and we locked the door and hung out in there forever because we thought it was such a cool place for pics (as a background). Can you tell we were having a good time?
We did all sorts of silly stuff. Here I am, trying to look tough. Ha! Oh, and this would be bathroom pic #6 -- the last one on the post, but there were many more!

Things have definitely changed, but maybe not TOO drastically. I was pregnant with Addie here (my birthday dinner):
And this was just a few months after she was born. Charlie's Angels!
Um, yea, we're a friendly bunch. :)
Aw, good times. Love my girls. Love my babies too. :) One of these days when they don't want to cuddle me anymore, maybe I'll hit up the night life again. Ugh, then I'll be that old creepy lady thinking she's cool... ;)

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