Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Oh Blog

Why is it so hard to find time for you? I write to you everyday . . . in my head. :)

Baby Hayden is getting bigger and bigger. Monday he had his 2-month check-up and was 13 lb 5 oz and 24.5 inches long. He's basically the size of a 4-month old. Not like his big sis. :) He's actually fitting 6-9 month clothes now. And almost outgrowing half of the cute things I knit for him already (it would help if I hadn't left half of them unfinished)! He's a smiley little guy, especially in the morning, and loves to chat. I don't remember Addie talking that much, but in reading a few older posts, it seems I don't remember a lot of what she did . . .

Here's my little man.
Showin' some school spirit.
Hanging' with daddy.

Addie is sassy as ever. She's really picking up her vocabulary, although I'm about the only one the understands her language. It's a combination of sounds, sign language, and some actual words. I've been meaning to write an Addie "dictionary", but just haven't gotten to it. She's become a bit of a mama's girl this summer with me home so much. I think Daddy is a little sad about that. :) I'm sure it'll change back once school starts. Although, Loren will be putting in some extra hours as a lab assistant, so she won't see him much more than me. My mom will actually be taking the kids one day a week, as long as she's available. If anyone has any ideas for a back-up plan, let me know.

This is the outfit she chose to play outside in July.
Goofin' around.
That's ice cream on her nose.
I let her have the bottom part of my ice cream. Not sure any made it in her mouth.
Got her purse, ready to go.

The summer has been full of daily outings. I try to get out of the house, mostly for Addie to have a chance to play. I've been working on Mondays, and then the rest of the week often consists of a combination of the park, the zoo, a friend's or relative's house and/or lunch with dad (along with basic daily chores). Today was just cleaning (I didn't get nearly enough done) and grocery shopping. Oh, and we stopped by Amy's. Yesterday we ventured to Emmett to hang out with Becky, a friend from high school, and her kids Cameron and Tucker. We hadn't been out in a while and Addie always takes a while to warm up, but I think she had a good time. I have to brag about Becky a bit since I know she won't do it herself (and I know she reads my blogs). :) She is an awesome mom who always has an unrealistically clean house (remember, she has a 5-year-old, a 3-year-old, and is pregnant, and has a husband who often works out of town) and does amazing scrapbooking and other crafty stuff and throws awesome bday parties for her kids. Becky, stop making the rest of us look bad! ;)

Tomorrow is a toddler-free lunch with friends (Addie is going to Grandma's). Oh and swim lessons. We started those yesterday and Addie loved it. We have them for a few more weeks. Friday I'm actually working (orientation) and then I think Hayden and I will hit up good ol' Chuck-o-Rama for Mom's Night Out (for those of you who don't know, I used to work there). This weekend is Beerfest, although we haven't decided when we're going and if we're taking the kids or not.

Hmm, where can I fit in the time to get this house clean?? I am so ready to do a major declutter, but I just can't seem to find time to do it. I refuse to just throw things away, so it always turns into a major feat. I am a pile person. I have a pile of things to throw away, those to keep, those for the thrift store, and often a few for different people I think may use it. FYI, piles don't work with toddlers. Especially not one that loves to destroy anything that is in a reasonably orderly fashion. So it really only works when I'm toddler free, which is for a short time in the afternoon (usually 30-45 min) when I'm often pinned under the toddler and/or tending to the baby or after she goes to bed (when I'm exhausted and often fall asleep right next to her). My indecisiveness also doesn't help, because it makes me take forever to do such things. :) My goal is to just start with one room and go from there. Wish me luck. :)

Watching Teen Mom - one of my addictions. Not sure why, but I love reality shows with babies. Does it bother anyone else that Sophia is never buckled into her carseat correctly? Am I the only person above the age of 16 that watches MTV anymore? :)

Sorry, pretty boring blog. Maybe it's good that I don't get to do this more, or everyone would stop reading out of boredom. :) Maybe I'll have something exciting to report after Beerfest this weekend. Doubt it -- those drama-filled intoxicated weekends seem far behind me . . . ;) (thankfully)

Our first family photo.


bonniecronquist said...

Amazing how you just don't have time after having another child! Becky motivates me day after day! Very well said Jamie!

Becky Brown said...

Thanks for the compliments. I don't feel like I'm amazing at all, in fact, just the opposite, but after a day like yesterday, with Tucker ending up in a cast, I definately needed to hear it. Thanks!