Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pics and Thanks and...

... I've been way too neglectful! But I am starting anew. I'm really going to try harder to keep up on this thing! And in usual tradition, I will begin with a pic post. :) I just got our pictures back from Erin Henderson at Sweet Smile Creations, who always does a phenomenal job! I'm guessing those of you with kids can relate -- getting ready for a photo session is stressful. Trying to get out with the kids ready and avoiding a major issue before leaving (about 1 minute before heading out the door we found Hayden eating a fuschia non-washable marker), and then just crossing your fingers that they cooperate enough for at least one decent pic of each. But Erin is a mother herself and very patient and understanding. The only part I hate is having to pick which ones I want printed and then finding space on my walls to display them (because I don't want to take down the ones from last year).

These were taken at the Boise Train Depot. We were originally going to hit Kathryn Albertson's, but apparently everybody else had that idea because I swear all of Boise was there!

Such a boy pic. Love it!

Loren found Addie a grasshopper while we were there.

This is just so Addie.

I didn't want to do family pics this year and Loren refused to be in any, but I did dress the part just in case. Addie refused to let me go at first, so Erin took a few of us to warm up, but then I got off the hook. ;)

Isn't he just such a stud?

I am completely in love with this pic. I currently have a Monet on the wall behind my computer at work, but I'm thinking it needs to be replaced with a canvas print of this. It just melts my heart.

I think this should go on a card.

Addie had gotten school pics taken at daycare -- that didn't turn out overly well. I was going to order some anyway simply to capture the moment, but these are just SO much better!

My little ham. I wasn't actually going to get them new clothes (because they have WAY too many) for this, but I saw this sweater at the mall and just HAD to have it. Then of course Addie needed an outfit to match.

Love this. So creative. And the pink petals match her perfectly. :)

Seriously, what a stud. This pic reminds me of a senior picture, or maybe something in a modeling portfolio. It's totally a "What's up, ladies?" kind of pic.

We kept trying to get the two of them together, but Hayden would always run away. Erin was fast on the trigger to capture this one. I just love Hayden's face. Can you tell how he feels about being hugged by sissy?

This is such a Hayden face.

Alas, we got it! Patience paid off. If I remember right, I'm pretty sure this was the last picture taken. I set Hayden down and ran -- and we finally got a pic of both of them sitting AND looking at the camera! Victory!

I am also attempting to do my month of thanks again. I really love the idea and did it last year on Facebook, but I think I'll do it in blog form this year. I feel as though people are getting sick of my posts on Facebook, so I'm trying to ease off a little. But I will continue to post every pic of my stinkin' cute kids, cuz, well, they're stinkin' cute and I want to show them off. :P I attempted to save all of my posts from last year, but I know I missed some. Here were the ones I saved:
  • I'm thankful to be a woman with the superpower of not only growing and birthing two beautiful children, but also providing all the nourishment they need for their first 6m+ of life.
  • Today I am thankful for my highly spirited toddler that constantly keeps my on my toes and drives me crazy, makes me laugh, and melts my heart all in a minute's time. And thankful she is currently sleeping. :)
  • I'm thankful for my 6am alarm to get ready to go to a job I love, for my wonderfully hot shower, and the fact that I have to choose what I wear and what I eat for breakfast.
  • I'm thankful for my ultra-fab mom for raising me to be the woman I am today, that she's only 20min away, and that she's such a wonderful grandma. :)
  • I'm thankful for photos, capturing moments in time, sweet memories and my constantly changing babies (and especially thankful for digital cameras so I can ensure I get at least one decent pic!).
  • I'm thankful for my wonderful hubby, my best friend that keeps me sane (although I'll admit he may occasionally drive me insane), puts up with me no matter what, and is the best father to our children -- so happy to spend our lives together.
  • I'm thankful for my health; my physical and mental wellbeing (I'm only a little crazy!), my freedom from chronic illness and ailments, and the health of my family. :)
  • I'm thankful for getting a year older today because it means I got to spend one more year with my wonderful family and friends. :)
  • Thankful for my sweet little Bubby who steals my heart every time I look at him.
  • I'm thankful for my puppers (although they may bark obnoxiously and are entirely too overzealous at the door) - my welcome home crew, my motivation to get at least a little exercise, my super snugglers, and my examples of true loyalty, forgiveness, and unconditional love.
  • I'm thankful for my car payment, gas bill, and mortgage because it means I have safe and reliable transportation for my family and a nice warm place to come home to.
  • I'm thankful for my big brother; we're not as close as we were as kids, but every time I do get to hang out with him I wonder why we don't do it more often. Also thankful for my sis-in-law for whisking him away on adventures and keeping him happy.
  • I'm thankful for every peaceful moment I have to knit and to Tami for teaching me this wonderful skill. :)
  • I'm thankful for having the opportunity to go shopping for our Christmas family tonight. And thankful I rarely have to go to the mall. :)
  • I'm thankful for good music, the kind that brings back good memories, that makes you want to sing at the top of your lungs and bust a move no matter how ridiculous you look, be it in the car, in the grocery store, or at home (often prompting a dance-off with the toddler).
  • I'm thankful for my super cozy bed and all my super snugglers I get to share it with. That's where I'm headed now!
  • I'm thankful for my sense of humor and everyone and everything in this world that makes me laugh. Can't wait for date night with my hubby (I think it's the first since Hayden was born) and Daniel Tosh ♥ tonight!!!
  • I'm thankful that I have a box and garbage bag of toys to donate (just skimming the surface - thankful for the declutter, but really that we have enough to give to someone else) and that Addie helped me decide what should go (she was in a very agreeable state today -- even let me throw out all her candy). :)
  • I'm thankful for my confidence; that my parents raised me to believe that I could do anything I set my mind to, that my teachers and coworkers always saw my potential (beyond what I saw), and that Loren makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world.
  • I'm thankful for fitting *snugly* into *some* pre-pregnancy jeans! Chicka-chicka-yea! A little way to go, but thankful for my good genes, that I'm healthy enough to stay active, and that I can breastfeed (shedding pounds is an added bonus!).
  • After spending the last hour pretending to be Addie's "baby", I am thankful for being self-sufficient!
  • I'm thankful for all the time I get to spend with my babies because I know they grow up too fast.
  • I'm thankful for a lazy day spent with my hubby and littles.
  • I'm thankful for memories and that the good far outnumber the bad.
  • I'm thankful for multiple invitations for the holiday today and am sending lots of love to family and friends that I'm not spending it with. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Looking forward to my guilt-free gorging today...
  • Although the system may drive me crazy at times and I by no means think it's perfect, I'm thankful for our health care, that we had a super nice doctor to see for Bubby, and that we have insurance.
  • I'm thankful I've had the opportunity to continue my education. Again and again. :) And will be especially thankful when this final proposal is submitted tomorrow... (I'm also thankful I did the rest of education pre-babies because they sure are making it hard to sit down and do this!)
So, my intention is to not repeat anything I said last year. But darn it, I said a lot of good stuff! I had 2 in mind for today and yesterday, and both were taken already. So I will think on it and return... (hopefully sooner than 3 months from now!)

1 comment:

erika~ the inspired mama said...

super cute kiddos!! i love your new photos :)