Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Costume Curse

Apparently Addie is just not a fan of her costume. Or it just makes her a cranky baby. But only for mom. We took her to a baby costume party on Wednesday (adorable!) and she did great (mind you she was held by dad the entire time).

Yesterday Erin met me at Kathryn Albertson to get some outdoor pics of Addie in her cute ladybug outfit. First Addie wouldn't sit, then she hated the hat, then she just seemed to hate the whole darn thing. And absolutely nothing could get her to smile -- except Kaia, and even then I think we got 1-2 smiles. But I think we still got some decent pics. I'll post them as soon as Erin gets a chance to upload them.

Today I decided to have Loren bring her to my office in her costume (if she would cooperate). He brought her in all smiles. After he left she got a little fussy with it, but was okay for a bit of visiting. I knew she was getting tired and hot, but we just had a few more people to see. Sitting in Coleen's office (last stop), I took her costume off and thought she was fine . . . until she was set completely over the edge when she tapped her head on a desk (really, she barely hit it). She screamed and screamed (I'm talking red face, real tears, runny nose -- the whole show) -- a nice noise for a quiet office. Absolutely nothing would calm her down, so for the sake of my coworkers we booked it out pretty quick (I couldn't even shut off my computer). Apparently she just does not want to be a ladybug!

*Okay, I had to edit this post. Apparently poor little Addie hit her noggin a bit harder than I thought. It appears she caught herself right between her eyes -- and she has a red mark there. So maybe it wasn't the costume in that case . . .*

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