Saturday, February 18, 2012

Oh, it's already been brought-en.

P90X boys and girls.  It's X time!  Yes, this is how Mr. Tony I-Don't-Know-His-Last-Name talks.  But I actually don't mind him too much.  So Loren and I started our P90X venture last week.  If you haven't seen the awesome (sarcastic) infomercials (are any awesome? ok, maybe the shake weight), it's a semi-new workout craze based on muscle confusion.  Really, it's the fact that you're working out 1+ hours per day!  Anyone is going to see results with that.  Anywho, it's workout videos (12) - you rotate each day (varies by week), for 90 days.  And it, of course, goes along with special equipment, a special nutrition book, a special recovery drink...  We cheated and snagged the DVDs from a friend and are winging the rest.  ;)  But I wanted to give an update on how it's going.  We initially planned on doing it in the mornings before work (my usual preferred workout time), but when I realized I'd have to get up at 5am I changed my tune.  So we're doing it in the evenings, usually about an hour after dinner.  Here's our first 3-week schedule:
  1. Chest and Back/Ab Ripper X - Monday.  We don't have a pull-up bar, so we modified with a resistance band.  Not near the intensity, but we were feeling things out.  Got in the rhythm pretty quickly (although I suck at push-ups!).  I was surprised at how many breaks there were, just because of the hype ("whoa, p90x? are you crazy? those dudes are ripped!"), and at how easily it could be modified to your fitness level.  It was a bit of a comfort.  Then came Ab Ripper.  Whew!  It's 16min of straight abs -- 349 total ab reps.  Ouch!  I decided that my goal by the end of the program is to complete the entire video.  Although it's intense, I love nice abs, so I'm excited.
  2. Plyometrics - Tuesday.  Okay, when we talk "X", apparently this is it.  Or so the video says.  He talks it up so much, I was a bit intimidated.  It's basically cardio with a lot of squatting and jumping.  And I totally rocked it!  :)  Granted, I didn't do everything at the highest intensity and have to modify one exercise (1min of hot foot on each side - bleh! - I did jumprope instead), but I made it through the whole thing on day one!  Loren, not quite there yet.  It seems there's a theory that this is easier for women.  ??  (def easier for a non-smoker) Either way, I was rather proud of myself.  And not so scared of P90X anymore.
  3. Shoulders and Arms/Ab Ripper X - Wednesday.  This uses either free weights or a resistance band.  We have the easiest band and 2lb and 5lb weights.  We kill it!  :)  I definitely think we need some heavier weights for this, but are still at least doing something (and making sure to do max reps).  And the dreaded Ab Ripper again.  No, definitely not easier the 2nd time.
  4. Yoga - Thursday.  Oh bore!  This one is 1.5 hours (yea, I can spare an hour, but that's all you're getting) and so repetitive!  I really think yoga is just not my thing.  Just like running.  I've really tried to like both, because people that like them are so darn convincing that they're just fabulous.  Not so much.  It has 30min of downward dog (gag) to runner's pose to warrior (multiple variations) and repeat and repeat and repeat and repeat...  Ugh.  Give me plyo with 30seconds of high intensity and let's move on!  We did the first hour (admittedly a bit half-assed).  This week I think we'll try the last hour of the video and see if we like it better.
  5. We were rebels and skipped Friday.  It was the day Loren found out he got the job (more on that later) and we were in celebration mode.
  6. Legs and Back/Ab Ripper X - Saturday.  Not horrible.  Does a lot with your own body weight, so the equipment issue wasn't there.  Still dead on Ab Ribber.  :)
  7. Kenpo - Sunday (should have been either a day of rest, or Stretch X, but since we skipped Friday we swapped).  I liked this one.  :)  Basically kickboxing.  And I have a newfound appreciation for boxers.  Those combos are hard!  And I have a choreography background (well a little).  Every time we did more than 3 moves I got lost.  Maybe I'll get it down by the end.  :)
Looking back it doesn't seem that bad, but man were we sore!  I think Thursday was the day I had a bit of a hobble-walk (but we hurt every day).  And on to this week...
  1. Chest and Back/Ab Ripper X - Monday.  Back at it.  But we don't seem to be getting as sore this week.  Granted, we're not really stepping up the intensity yet (we need some more equipment and are just trying to get settled right now - I figure anything is good).  And yes, I'm still doing "girl" push-ups.
  2. We skipped Tuesday.  It was Valentine's Day, I got Loren beer he wanted to drink, I ate a delicious sundae...  It just wasn't a workout day.  :)
  3. Plyometrics - Wednesday.  Killed it again!  Prob my favorite video.  And yes, it seems that most other people hate this one (Loren included). :P
  4. Shoulders and Arms/Ab Ripper X - Thursday.  Again, not too bad.  And not nearly as sore today.  Even stepped up my game a bit in Ab Ripper (and we're noticing that we're not sore in between).  :)
So today will be the dreaded yoga - we'll see if the last hour is any better.  And then we'll continue with the same schedule to finish out the week, and again next week.  After that is a rest week, so it will be a bit different combination.  But overall thoughts -- totally love the muscle confusion, love the variety, Tony really isn't that annoying (he's actually kinda funny) and gives good instruction (but once we have it down I'm thinking we're blasting some Gaga instead), and it's not as insane as everyone makes it out to be and is easily modifiable to your level.  I thought I'd hate working out at home, but although it's a bit of a challenge with the kids (trying doing sit-ups with them chasing each other in a circle around you, doing tricep kickbacks without hitting one of them, or doing push-ups with one on your back) it's nice to spend the time with Loren.  It's a dedicated hour to spend together every night, that's not just zoning out on the boob tube.  In summary, I highly recommend it (now we'll see what kind of results we get).  :)

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