Wednesday, July 8, 2009

No More, Please

No more sickness!

Roseola, It's Not a Flower. This is in reference to a flyer I once saw that read, "Chlamydia: It's Not a Flower" -- I always thought it was funny. Anyways, as I mentioned a few days ago Addie had a fever and lo and behold it is indeed roseola. She started with a fever on Wednesday, which continued on Thursday and Friday morning, so we decided to call the doc (mainly to rule out another ear infection before we got into the weekend). Of course, all of the offices were closed except one, which was open from 10am-2pm. But we got an appointment so I thought we were doing pretty good. Except that we waited over an hour to actually see the doctor. Grr. And then of course he basically said he didn't see anything wrong other than the fever, but he did mention roseola and said if she got a rash this weekend, we'd have a confirmed diagnosis. No rash Saturday, just a low fever, but we decided not to take her out for the 4th of July picnic because I didn't want her to be spreading anything, and didn't want her to be out in the heat. (BTW, now that I know she has roseola I realize that she probably gave it to Pierce and Christian because we went to visit them on Wednesday, when she was still contagious -- sorry guys!) But we did hit the fireworks Saturday night. She just stared -- no crying, no talking. Just stared. Then we waited FOREVER to get out of the parking lot -- people can be so rude. NOBODY would let us out! It was ridiculous! No 4th of July pics thought cuz the stinkin' camera batteries were dead! We finally got home around 11:45pm -- luckily Addie crashed in the car. Anywho, back to the roseola -- so Sunday morning I awoke to some pretty red bumps all over Addie. Roseola it is. I thought once the rash showed up she would be fine, but she was almost more cranky, and it lasted through yesterday.

In case you were curious what roseola looks like:
Mama, why must you take pics when I'm sick?

So take that crabby sick baby and add a stomach bug. For me first. I've been feeling really run down lately and incredibly hungry ALL the time (and no I'm not pregnant) and in talking to a few friends I realized that I'm just not eating enough to fuel my body to keep breastfeeding Addie. I'm hoping to let her wean herself, so I wasn't about to admit defeat. So Saturday and Sunday we went out and stocked up on nutritional supplements and lots of good food. What else was there to do but pig out? So Sunday I was feeling the best I had in a while . . . until Sunday night, technically Monday morning. I had tossed and turned with a bit of a tummy ache, but it hit at about 1am -- I was up every half-hour heaving into the toilet until about 9am. There went all that delicious food I pigged out on. I was really convinced it was food poisoning because it came on so suddenly and was so intense. Which led me to throw out some of that delicious food. Monday I spent most of the day sleeping, after being up all night and completely emptying my body of all nutrition -- Addie was still recovering from her roseola so she was happy to snuggle me all day. Tuesday I still didn't feel quite good enough to go back to work, so I decided to stay home, but at least got out of bed and ate something. Addie's rash was clearing up, but she still seemed a bit cranky.

We laid her down for bed around 9pm and I awoke to her coughing/choking at about 11pm. I sat her up and whoosh, vomit all over the bed and pillow. Stinky ham and milk vomit. Yuck! Ta-da -- it wasn't food poisoning at all. And now Addie had it too (I feel terrible since I hadn't made any attempt to not share germs as I thought it wasn't contagious). Poor thing was up about every hour until 6am this morning throwing up. :( She's in much better spirits today though, although she did just throw up again this afternoon (strategically on the keyboard -- don't worry it's washed now -- and floor). We have never cleaned up so much vomit in our lives. And we have lots of laundry. And I swear that vomit smell sticks to everything . . . it's still lingering . . .

Pair this with the flu we had in May and Addie's 1.5 month long ear infection and we're just done being sick right now.

On a lighter note, when I was pulling her little sickie pics I found my pics from the dog park. I finally took Addie for the first time a couple weeks ago. Hmm, yea, she loved it. :)

Lukie was hot.
Addie was chillin'.
And pointin'.
I thought this pic was hilarious.
She looks like "Mom, get me outta here!", but she really did like it.
My Bailey Jo.
Yes, I think we shall come back.

1 comment:

Becky Brown said...

Oh my gosh! I feel for you...I think we've all been there, and it does seem that with sickness, "When it rains, it pours." We always get things in groups and everybody in the house goes through it. Hope you're all on the path to recovery now.