Monday, September 28, 2009

I should just go to bed

So I'm already stressing today because I have so much going on at work (see previous post) and have been sick for the last week, which doesn't help the productivity factor. Add to that the fact that I know my midterm for the class I'm taking (an adult education class from U of I -- I'm a traitor, I know) is due in 2 weeks, and the last couple weeks I've been slacking on my reading. So I decide that tonight I will work on it, so I don't have to cram it in on one night (something I encourage my students NOT to do). Per the site when I last checked (it's an online class), the midterm was a 5-7 page summary of our readings for the last month or so (I know, easy, right?). I log in tonight to find that she's posted a new midterm consisting of 20 questions, and expects it to be about 20 pages long! Great. Let me check what I've done so far and hopefully I can expand and tweak as needed (I had been answering questions she posted about the reading that I had done). Then, as I'm reading the questions, I realize that questions 8-20 are on chapters that not only have I not read, but were not assigned yet. WTH? I have had absolutely no guidance in this class. It's online, and basically the teacher said 'hi' at the beginning, and told us to look at the syllabus and course site. No discussion board, no interaction with classmates, no guidance on what our observation hours are supposed to consist of and very little guidance on our final paper. That's fine -- I can self-manage, but I assumed everything was all set up. You can't go and change assignments and reading in the middle of the semester! Grr. I sent her an email. I'm not saying she's a bad teacher (I don't think anyone is a "bad" teacher, we just definitely have our strengths), but she needs to check her course site more often and make sure it's up to date. I'm always changing my classes and run into updating problems, but nothing as big as forgetting to tell my students that they have to write 20 pages on 20 chapters I didn't tell them to read!

Okay, done venting. Hopefully I'll hear back tomorrow. Cross your fingers it's a mistake, and she gave us the wrong questions. I do not want to try to cram in 12 more chapters and 12 more pages in the next 2 weeks along with everything else!

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