Saturday, November 13, 2010

Reflection Journal Week ? ;)

Relatively quick post tonight as I'm ready to snuggle in with my littles. Thought I'd reflect on the class I'm taking a little. It's a qualitative research class that's taught online. Basically we have a book that guided our discussion boards (run 2 weeks each) for the first half of the semester and we have a 20pg+ research proposal due here in a couple weeks. There are a few other activities as well, including an ethics training program (which I had already done as an IRB member) and a survey development and analysis assignment. It's going good so far, but I must admit it's easy to not be overly engaged. I started out really strong, being sure to get on the boards early and regularly. I must say I'm surprised at the level of "slacking" in a graduate class -- there are a number of us that regularly procrastinate (we don't seem to have learned from our undergraduate careers). I've gotten a little slower at getting on, and not as regular, but I'm at least still trying to make significant contributions. A few of our forums are to read each others' work and provide feedback -- so much of it is "good job" (how helpful is that?). Of course the teacher in me comes out and I can't help but offer my opinions on suggestions and possible areas of expansion. I think I find it easier to critique something than to compliment something. I try not to critique in a rude way, but personally I find the critiques more helpful than the compliments. I often wonder about this as a teacher and hope that I'm balancing critiques (which I'm hoping are helpful for future learning) with encouragement (which ties a bit into my last reflection post about attitudes towards education). As a classmate offering critiques I figure I'm probably seen as a "know-it-all" and I'm okay with that. In an online environment I almost feel anonymous at times, but I know I'm not. I'm kind of at a point in life that if someone wants to think or say negative things about me, they can go right ahead because that's simply their opinion and they have their right to it. It doesn't mean it's true or right. And even if it is, it may not necessarily be something offensive to me. I'm secure in who I am and don't need ill-informed external opinions to define me (this rant seems as though I've had recent experience with this, but I haven't -- just a thought). Hmm, off on a bit of a tangent there -- I'm tired. :) Let's wrap this up until next time...

1 comment:

deniborin said...

interesting article,, thanks for sharing .. I am glad to read it because it related to my studies