Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Currere: Final Installment

Well I turned it in, and felt great about it (and did great!).  :)  I dreaded writing it, but I actually really enjoyed it.  It was definitely a new way of "scholarly writing" that I hadn't experienced.  My "theme" ended up being about relationships, which, although I'd never identified it before, makes complete sense.  I am regularly overwhelmed by all the incredible people I have in my life!  So yes, relationships!  This conclusion wasn't nearly as reflective in voice, so pardon the dry scholarly writing.  But I'm happy with the overall message.  :)  I decided to include just a few excerpts.

Sowing the Seeds
     It appears that what has led me to where I am today in my education and ways of teaching were expectations that I would do nothing but succeed in school, experiencing my own humility, being pushed beyond my own aspirations, and realizing the spirit of passion.  Each of these were harvested through meaningful relationships with my family, my children, my teachers, and my mentors... We are all vested in some way [in our education system], so we need to work together to make it a better system.  It can’t be “the other guy’s” job...  Rather than dividing ourselves, often staking claims on opposite sides of the spectrum, we need to work together for the good of our students, of our children, of our society.  As Muhatma Ghandi states, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. 
     This framework creates a caring classroom of relationships based on respect, trust, competence, personal regard for others, integrity, and high expectations with support (Bryk & Scheider, 2002; Rogers & Renard, 1999). “…community is not just a place to live but an active way to live together… As classroom relationships build community, the community becomes a vital force in learning” (Wolk, 2003, p. 39).
      ...As Grumet (1993) states, “The world we make for children will never be any better than the world we make with each other” (p. 207)...  Our actions are contagious and we can lead by example.  While I can’t force others to change ways, I can push myself to be better.  I need to guide others as I have been guided.  I need to set expectations, encourage compassion, foster potential, and exude passion not only in my own children and in my own students, but in everyone I meet and interact with – and push them to do the same.  Pay it forward. 
It's seriously ridiculous how emotional I get about this stuff.  I was relieved to see another student cry as she discussed hers -- I cried everytime I read my draft!  I'm just so passionate about education and my job.  Geek happy!  ;)
 “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”
~Dr. Seuss~

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