Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Times, They are AChangin'

A conversation with my friend Leisa sparked this blog post. She had just bought a new double-stroller and I was asking her about it. She offered to get it out of her car so I could see it.
Me: "That's ok. I think I'm going to wait until Hayden is big enough to sit in a side-by-side jogging stroller."
Leisa: "Really? Don't you think that will be hard to fit between aisles? Not in the grocery store, like at the mall."
Me: "I don't shop with the kids. I don't go to the mall."
L: "Not even to look!?!"

Honestly, the thought of the mall these days makes me cringe. I can't even remember the last time I went, and whenever that was, I'm sure I went to 1 store for a particular item and got the heck outta there. I rarely shop at all these days and when I do, it's mostly thrift stores. But the question makes sense from Leisa because that's what we used to always do together. We hit the mall at least once a week. Pre-babies our usual Friday and/or Saturday night was hitting the mall for a new outfit, usually Wet Seal, maybe grabbing some food, complaining that the mall closed too early, trying to find a liquor store that was open that late (we never seemed to get anything accomplished for the evening prior to about 9pm), spending forever getting ready at home while listening to music (for mood) and having a couple drinks, then making our way downtown to dance the night away. It was only 3 years ago that we were in San Francisco, shopping like crazy and hitting the clubs. These days my evenings are consumed by entertaining a toddler, getting kids ready for bed, and attempting to stay awake past 9pm so I can get house/schoolwork done. And I'm totally fine with that. :)

I started this post the other day, but just got a chance to come back to it. I had been searching for some fun old party pics, but it was so hard to choose which ones were my favorite, that it was taking forever. This is as far as I got, so it will have to do. :)

This is back when I actually cared what I looked like, spent time on my hair and make-up, had cute clothes that fit, and had a nice tan. Now I throw on whatever is comfy that doesn't show off my post-baby belly and I'm as white as a ghost.

Vegas baby!

Quick pose in San Fran hotel before we hit the town.

Not anywhere close to all of my old pics, but a few I found to share. Now my computer is consumed by adorable pics of my beautiful littles. :)

1 comment:

Becky Brown said...

Great shots! You were/are drop dead sexy! I keep a few shots in frames of me in college. Just to remember that at one point, I was a hottie, and didn't even know it. Makes me feel good. Oh, and I've got the "skinny jeans" on the top shelf of my closet. Just in case.