Saturday, October 23, 2010

Harvest Festival

Rather than crashing the corn maze again we decided to hit up the harvest festival today that North End Organic Nursery (old Hillside Nursery) was having. Addie has been a bit under the weather so I didn't want a major outing, but wanted to at least get her out of the house and she was dying to go. Corn maze seemed like a lot of work and I didn't feel like packing her AND Bubby through the whole thing. The boys (that's Loren and Ryan) went golfing this morning, but were done by the time we got ready to go, so they came too (not by their choice). Although she was adamant to go, I think our timing was off because Addie really needed a nap. Thus we didn't stay long and she didn't play much.

She did sport her costume. Have you ever seen a sadder butterfly/garden fairy?
We of course had to get photos with the giant chair. Here are Ryan and Cassie.
And me, Bubby, and Cassie. Would Addie get on the chair? Absolutely not.
She was stuck to Daddy the whole time (hence the reason I made him come).
Bubby did do a bit of swinging. And gagging himself (the norm).
I really thought cotton candy would make it all better. She did like it (this was her first experience), but really was a bit of a crab the entire day. Mommy and Daddy's patience was about lost there for a bit (I'm feeling rejuvenated now that she's sleeping).

So that was our Saturday. A cranky toddler, Scentsy sniffing, some swinging (they had a bounce house, mind you) and cotton candy, some pizza and beer, a bit of gabbing, some knitting (finished Hayden's hat -- will take pics tomorrow), and some football and baseball watching. Hoping to do some cleaning tomorrow along with Chicago Connection (yes, pizza two days in a row -- oh darn) and really should do some homework (ugh).

I just had to post this because I love how he just crashes out. Precious.

1 comment:

erika~ the inspired mama said...

ha! i blogged about the harvest festival too :) it was nice to see you and your adorable family yesterday! i love your photos- that pic of hayden crashed out is so sweet ♥
