Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Zoo Travels, 16lb-er, Pumpkins, Fiber Love, and Baby Smiles

Just an update on October so far...

I had the brilliant idea of going to the zoo on the day of See Spot Walk. We hit the walk on our way down and got diverted, drove around the entire park looking for parking (to no avail), then had to stop for gas and food (apparently dad can't eat before we leave), parked over at BSU, loaded up all our stuff and trekked across the river to discover that See Spot Walk was getting over and there were lots of parking spots open. :) Oh well, it was a nice walk.

Here is Bubby enjoying the zoo.
And Addie digging for dinosaur bones. Okay, she was just piling the dirt on the edge and making a mess of herself.
Dad having SO much fun. :)
Addie munching on her bag of Bugles she picked out when dad stopped for food.
And the ever elusive pic of the mother with the children (and a kimodo dragon!).
We missed probably half of the zoo (we go a lot and have a membership, so no biggie), dealt with some toddler fits, and couldn't leave without hitting the giftshop, but overall I nice outing with the family. :)

Hayden had his 4-month appointment last week. 16lb 11oz -- 82nd percentile for weight and 96th for height. We were taking bets on his weight and actually all guessed too high -- lugging that boy around gets tiring! :) My dad was closest with 16lb 12oz. He's doing great, although he does have a flat spot on the side of his head, so we're making an effort to lay him on his other side. He's not quite rolling over yet (every time he tries I think it's the one) and isn't supporting himself on his legs yet (really doesn't seem interested), but I'm in no hurry. He's still a sweet laid back ham that loves any attention, adores his sister, and melts my heart.

We got to visit my friend, Becky, who just had her 3rd baby, Mr. Brody. Adorable! I can't believe Hayden was ever that small (they were the exact same weight at birth - and that was only 4 months ago!). We hit up McDonald's so the mobile ones could get some energy out and then played at Becky's. Hayden slept the majority of the time, but Addie had a blast with Cameron and Tucker. Mostly uneventful other than Addie pouring ice water into Brody's carseat (yes, before we left McDonald's) and having a fit when it was time to leave because she couldn't escape with multiple stolen items. Ah, the joys of toddlers.

Saturday I hit the SmartyPants consignment half-off sale and bought way more clothes than I needed to. I can't resist. They're so cute! FYI - I bought Hayden 24m pjs and they fit! Such a chunk. :) We also went to Liam's 3rd birthday party. Addie had a blast in the bounce house and I enjoyed good company and tasty food while Loren caught the attention of some other moms at how good of a dad he is and Hayden hung out with the other babies.

Sunday we had a pumpkin carving/painting party, but it really just ended up being us and Amy, so I'm not sure you can qualify it as a "party". But we had fun! My dad brought over home-grown pumpkins, some paper pumpkins for coloring, and some paint and carving tools. My mom also brought over some carving tools. Amy brought the kids for a day of play and mess (and some delicious cake too).

Addie is working on her pumpkin, accompanied by her dinosaur, of course (who paints without their dinosaur??).
Why stop at painting a pumpkin when you can paint your hand, your tricycle... (yes, the dinosaur got painted too)
We of course had to get out a Halloween costume. This isn't actually her costume this year, but it fits. Liam wore it too, but his pic is on my phone, which I haven't uploaded yet.
Madi was her usual doll self, playing mommy with Hayden here.
Our masterpieces. From left to right: Alex's, Addie's, Hayden's (carved by myself and my dad), Liam's, and Madi's.
Alex's pumpkin.
This is Addie's again. I just thought this pic was neat.

I started feeling crummy yesterday, so the kids and I had a lazy day. I did finish Ryan's hat (his birthday isn't until the 20th, but I let him have it yesterday). The pic doesn't do it justice -- the yarn is beautiful. More yarn dyed by my friend Chelsea (check out Plum Street Fiber Art on Etsy). I'm hoping this time I have enough to make a hat for Hayden. Ryan loved it.

I'm feeling a little better today, but still not up to teaching for 3 hours, so I decided to stay home. Being sick has forced me to slow down and enjoy some cuddle time with my little man. He's a pretty sweet little guy...

This is what I cast on yesterday. More yarn from Chelsea. This time it's for me. :) A shawl. First time doing lacework, so we'll see how it goes. I really should be working on some gifts, but I'm so excited to see this knit up. :)

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